MoneyAhoy Money Saving, Making Money, and Investment Ideas Sun, 16 Apr 2023 20:50:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Dangerous Trend of Workers Using ADHD Medication Mon, 03 Sep 2018 18:55:44 +0000 Article from

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder has become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry. Recent statistics show that ADHD drug sales have been on the rise since 2010 with revenue anticipated to grow in the next few years. Industry projections show that attention deficit meds will rake in $17.5 billion in the year 2020. While ADHD […]

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The Dangerous Trend of Workers Using ADHD Medication

The Dangerous Trend of Workers Using ADHD Medication

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder has become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry. Recent statistics show that ADHD drug sales have been on the rise since 2010 with revenue anticipated to grow in the next few years. Industry projections show that attention deficit meds will rake in $17.5 billion in the year 2020. While ADHD was once a diagnosis that kids too restless to concentrate on school work got, it’s become a condition that just about anyone can co-opt in order to get their hands on the drugs used to control it. A lot of those who fit this description now are adults in the corporate world, surprisingly.

Why is ADHD Taking Over? 

The world has been more efficiency oriented. Daily life has become an endless series of tasks performed on high-tech devices as quickly as possible. Drug manufacturers have created new criteria for being prescribed ADHD drugs that make those who want to be more organized and productive valid candidates to be medicated. Experts say that grabbing pills when up against tight deadlines or challenges can be blatant proof of a more realistically sustainable work ethic. While people who once suffered from hyperactivity were referred to mental health practitioners, health insurance guidelines make it easier for them to get ADHD drugs than be referred to a specialist who could decide if popping pills were really necessary. 

What Evidence Shows that Adults are Suddenly Using ADHD Drugs? 

Between 2007 and 2012, the population of adults taking drugs like Adderall, Ritalin, and Concerta spiked. Fewer than 6 million monthly attention deficit prescriptions for people over 21 were written in 2007. The number shot to 16 million, however, within the next 5 years. More adults and kids are being prescribed for ADHD medicine than ever before. The dots are being connected between those abusing Ritalin and similar drugs while in their offices with the population of students who used ADHD drugs during college and discovered that popping pills could help them to focus better on reading material as well as score higher on grueling exams. Many say it’s a new campus culture whose graduates are bringing their habit of self-medicating with them once they launch careers.

What are the Health Consequences of ADHD Drugs? 

ADHD drugs are stimulants that can cause surges in blood pressure. They can negatively affect your circulatory system and blood vessels. They can damage your heart and lead towards strokes. They’re definitely not designed to be taken as if they were vitamins. 

Isn’t there a Social Stigma to Self-Medicating? 

Relying on drugs to function doesn’t usually help someone to acquire greater success and motivation. Taking pills to maintain a high grade point average can be considered a necessary evil by those of recent generations, however. ADHD medication is an exception in the mind of those who abuse it. It’s considered a symbol of ambition. With attention deficit disorder pills being increasingly linked to a millennial college culture in which they were abundant on campuses, many are downplaying the hazards by saying that a wave of pill-popping college students have entered the workforce and simply brought their mechanisms to cope with pressure with them.

Increased Competition 

The US has become the most competitive society in the world according to rankings such as the one done recently by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). Increased competition brings a desire to win with it. The number of those in the workforce striving to be prosperous and have successful careers will be the same as those abusing ADHD drugs, unfortunately, if a task force isn’t created to quell what is fast becoming a white collar drug addiction epidemic.

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Top Tips for Saving Money on Healthcare Tue, 24 Nov 2015 16:46:57 +0000 Article from

In this economy, it pays to take control over your finances and work to find ways to save some coin when it comes to your family’s medical bills.  Check out these top tips for saving money on healthcare and get started with the money saving today! Consider a High Deductible Health Insurance Plan It may […]

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Top Tips for Saving Money on Healthcare

Top Tips for Saving Money on Healthcare

In this economy, it pays to take control over your finances and work to find ways to save some coin when it comes to your family’s medical bills.  Check out these top tips for saving money on healthcare and get started with the money saving today!

Consider a High Deductible Health Insurance Plan

It may be nice to only have to fork over $20 for each doctor’s office visit, but you may find that you will save more in the long run if you switch to a high deductible health insurance plan.  These plans will have a lower monthly premium (sometimes they will only cost half as much), but these high deductible health insurance plans will have a higher annual deductible.  If you and your family are relatively healthy, this can be a great way to save money and keep costs lower.  An added benefit is that most high deductible plans offer the option of saving extra money in a health savings account.  These accounts allow you to save money for your family’s healthcare needs tax free – both on the way into the health savings account and on the way out of the account.  You can literally save thousands over a lifetime by going the high deductible health insurance plan route.

Get Regular Preventative Health Checkups

Getting regular preventative health checkups is one of the best ways to save money on healthcare over the long run.  The key to keeping yourself, and your family, healthy while saving money is early detection and prevention of any health related issue.  Nearly all preventative health checkups are covered by your insurance, so there really is not a good reason to skimp in this area.  If you or a family member are overdue for a preventative health checkup, go schedule one now!

Get Your Glasses Online

Did you know that you do not have to buy glasses directly from your optometrist?  Federal law mandates that these eye doctors give you a written prescription immediately after diagnosis so that you can shop around for the best deal on prescription eye glasses.  This allows you to get an up-to-date checkup on your eyesight and then purchase your glasses from anywhere you would like.  Online glasses retailers typically offer much larger selections and discounts of 50%+ vs. brick-and-mortar glasses retailers!  So, once you have your prescription in hand, head over to an online glasses retailer website like GlassesUSA to save yourself a bundle.

Buy a Generic Multi-Vitamin

When it comes to taking a daily vitamin, research is divided whether or not they actually do much to improve your long term health.  Without getting into a huge side-discussion on the benefits of multi-vitamins, let us just assume for the sake of argument that you and your family routinely take a daily multi-vitamin.  I will assume if you are using them then you would like to save money in this area.  There is no point in paying for those high priced multi-vitamins from places like the GNC.  Buy a cheap generic multi-vitamin from WalMart, Sams Club, or the like and save yourself a bit each year.

Take Care of Your Teeth

Your teeth can be one of the largest health expenses to hit your wallet as you age.  Even kid’s dental bills can really pile up when their teeth are not properly taken care of.  It is very important to begin taking care of your teeth at a young age by developing proper dental hygiene habits.  Check out these top tips to prevent cavities in kids.  A couple of minutes each and every day can help to save you thousands in the long run!

Wash Your Hands Properly

Washing your hands properly is very important.  No seriously – learn how to wash your hands properly to prevent the spread of colds, viruses, and other nasty stuff.  A couple of prevented colds (or the flu) each year in a household can add up to hundreds of dollars of savings each month.  No need to talk about saving money at the doctor if you can prevent a doctor’s visit altogether!  Check out these tips from the Center for Disease Control on when and how you should be washing your hands.

Top Tips for Saving Money on Healthcare – Final Thoughts

If you can implement even just one or two of these top tips for saving money on healthcare, then you are sure to save yourself hundreds of dollars (or even thousands) over the years for yourself and your family.  These are my top tips for saving money on healthcare that have worked for us over the years.  Check here if you are looking for even more money saving healthcare ideas. What are your top tips for saving money on healthcare?

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10 Ways to Save Money While Losing Weight Thu, 15 Oct 2015 11:42:11 +0000 Article from

Everyone wants to be in shape, lose a little weight and save money. These few things are essential to leading a great and healthy life. So what are the benefits to losing extra weight, and saving money at the same time? Maybe you would be less sick which could lead to fewer doctors visits. Or […]

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10 Ways to Save Money While Losing Weight

10 Ways to Save Money While Losing Weight

Everyone wants to be in shape, lose a little weight and save money. These few things are essential to leading a great and healthy life. So what are the benefits to losing extra weight, and saving money at the same time? Maybe you would be less sick which could lead to fewer doctors visits. Or maybe it could keep you from missing work due to illnesses. Losing weight can definitely have a huge benefit on your pockets. So lets learn how to do both all at the same time!

#1 Save by Finding Organic Alternatives

There are working groups that are updated yearly, letting shoppers know which produce has the most or the least pesticides. If you are like most people, you are on a limited food budget.  This means buying organic can be stressful. Sometimes you may not be able to buy organic, so it is important to find produce that has the least amount of pesticides so that you can cut your budget, as well as stay healthy and lose weight.

#2 Enter a Weight Loss Competition

A great way to earn some extra cash is by joining a weight loss competition. There are several online that offer contests that allow you to wager money. Plus, it will be a great motivation to earn money and lose weight at the same time.

#3 Make Your Own Cereal

Take whole grain ingredients and make your own cereal at home, instead of buying cereal from the store. Processed cereals can be extremely expensive, and most are made with preservatives and sugar.

#4 Avoid Red Meat

If you are red meat buyer, then your food budget is likely sky high.  This may also go along with your waist line :-). Red meat is one of the highest priced items at the grocery store. Cutting that off your list can not only help you become a healthier human being, but it can cut your grocery spending by 25%.

#5 Find your Green Thumb

Growing your own veggies can be a huge benefit for someone looking for a way to save money and lose weight. It can help you save money and lose weight all at the same time.  As an added bonus, it gets you up and out of the house.

#6 Cross Soda off your List

We all know that soda is one of the most unhealthiest things you could consume. It is full of sugar, and it is high in calories. It can also be expensive, especially if you drink it often. Try cutting soda out of your life and off the list, and replacing it with spring water. Drinking more water can help you not only get rid of the pounds, but it can be a healthy alternative for your pockets.

#7 Grab Support

Free accountability is a great way for you to create your own motivational group. Find friends, family or people from social media who will be willing to help you journey through your weight loss adventure. This can really help you move in a positive direction when it comes to saving and losing.

#8 Farmer’s Markets are Great

Farmer’s Markets are perfect when it comes to finding healthy food on a budget. Many farmers are willing to cut deals towards the end of the day all because they don’t want to carry stuff home with them.

#9 Dried Beans

Protein is an important part of any meal especially if you are trying to lose weight. Try making beans a part of your meal as much as possible. Beans can be cooked ahead of time, and they can go with just about any meal if you implement them right. They are the cheapest — and healthiest foods — you can possibly eat, and you can save tons of money just by buying them in the can.

#10 Eat Less

Stop going back for seconds, and stop over spending money on food that you don’t need. Buying small will save you money, and it will help you to get rid of those extra pounds you are trying to lose.

10 Ways to Save Money While Losing Weight – Final Thoughts

If you are able to follow even just a couple of these 10 ways to save money while losing weight, you are sure to save yourself some coin.  You are also very likely to get healthier in the process and drop some of those unneeded pounds!  What are you waiting for, implement some of these money saving and weight losing tips today!

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